9+ Ways Reusable Water Bottles Help the Environment

Did you know: More than a million plastic bottles are bought every single minute. And the number is expected to continue growing.

Plastic bottles and plastic waste can be found everywhere from the oceans to the mountains and the forests.

The levels of plastic waste are reaching staggering numbers, and the damage it does to both our health and the planet’s environment is growing, too.

One small but significant step can be switching to a reusable water bottle.

The best time to make a change is today. Taking the responsibility to be the change we want to see in the world is the first step towards a better future. And something as small as a water bottle can help reduce our impact on the environment, animal’s suffering, and even our health.

Reusable water bottle with text

How the Different Reusable Water Bottles Help the Environment

Taking the decision to switch to a reusable water bottle is an excellent way to improve the quality of your life and the environment, too.

However, it may not always be so easy to decide what is the best alternative to the regular plastic bottle. We can choose from several different types of reusable water bottles. They all have specific to them upsides and downsides.

Being aware of each of these and how the different reusable water bottles impact the planet is a great way to be able to make a better-informed choice.

So let us take a look at what are the most widely used reusable water bottles, their pros, cons, and specific peculiarities.

1. Stainless Steel Water Bottles

<a href=refilling stainless water bottle from a stream” width=”1000″ height=”600″ title=”refilling stainless water bottle from a stream” data-id=”652″ src=”https://delightjar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/refilling-stainless-water-bottle-from-a-stream.jpg” style=”width: 100%;”>

refilling stainless water bottle from a stream

Stainless steel bottles are one of the best green products you can get.

Stainless steel is actually the go-to material everywhere the world when it comes to green building, as well. The reason for this is because stainless steel has minimal impact on nature, and since it is recyclable, it makes it safer in the long run.

The same holds true for stainless steel water bottles.

One of the best things about stainless steel bottles is that they are very durable.

Another very good aspect of stainless steel bottles is that they do not retain any odors or the taste of juices, smoothies, coffee, tea, etc. This is very important since these bottles can be used for a really long time.

However, they can leave a specific metallic taste sometimes.

Stainless steel bottles are not only good for the environment but for your health you. Some findings have found different chemicals in the plastic bottles that are considered dangerous for our health. Some of these can alter our hormone production and balance.

But this doesn’t mean all stainless steel bottles are created equal. Some of the older metal water bottles and some of the cheapest can contain BPA.

If you are going to be storing hot liquids like coffee or tea, for example, a metal bottle might not always be the best option. Metal is very good at transferring heat. So, in this case, you might want to make sure you buy an insulated stainless steel bottle.

Usually to combat a double-walled stainless steel bottles are manufactured which provide the best insulating capabilities. However, this does come at a cost as they tend to be heavier and are generally more expensive.

Stainless steel bottles are 100% recyclable.

Yet, you may stumble upon some difficulties when it comes to retiring your old trusty water bottle. Stainless steel water bottles are uncrushable, so this makes them quite tricky when it comes to recycling, and some curbside recycling programs might not want to take them. Just make sure to contact your local recycling facilities for more information.


Better for the environment.

Better for your health.

Extremely durable and long-lasting.

Do not retain taste or smell.

Easy to clean.

Will save you a lot of money in the long run.



Tend to be heavier.

Conducts heat or cold.

Can leave a metallic taste.

Usually more expensive than other types of water bottles.

Depending on the environmental conditions and alloy, it may never breakdown if thrown in the wild.

They can dent.

2. Aluminum Water Bottles

Not every metal bottle is made of stainless steel.

Reusable Aluminum Water Bottles again blurred background

silver and blue Reusable Aluminum Water Bottles

Some are made of aluminum. Aluminum water bottles are considered safe for daily use. They do have some peculiarities that will distinguish them from stainless steel bottles.

First, if you buy an aluminum bottle, you shouldn’t use any acidic juices like orange juice as the acidity will react with the aluminum causing it to leach into the juice.

In order to prevent this, some aluminum bottles can have a tiny layer of enamel, epoxy, or resin which protects the aluminum from the effect of acidic liquids. The downside of this is that this tiny layer often contains BPAs. Because of this, you might also not be able to recycle your bottles.

Aluminum takes about 80 to 200 years to decompose if thrown out in nature.


They are good for the environment.


Less expensive.


You may have to avoid acidic juices.

Some bottles may contain BPA.

Usually, the bottles are not dishwasher safe.

Aluminum transfers heat and cold.

Aluminum is easier to dent.

3. Glass Water Bottles

Glass bottles are one of the best choices if you are looking for a reusable water bottle. Glass bottles are made from natural and sustainable materials that are 100% recyclable.

Reusable glass water bottle

Reusable glass water bottle

Glass is also BPA free and is one of the best packaging materials. Even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering glass safe


Not only that but glass is free of any phthalates, PVCs, and polycarbonates. This means that there will be no chemicals that can leach into your drinks. Not just that but, the glass will keep the taste of your drinks pure and unaltered in any way.

They can have the lowest impact on the environment of all other bottles, but this comes at a price, too, as they do come with certain drawbacks.

They are usually a lot heavier than all other types of reusable bottles. Glass can be easily broken even the tempered bottles are not completely immune to breaking. They transfer temperature really well so if you pour in a hot coffee or tea. You will definitely want something between your hands and the glass.

Interestingly enough, another downside to the glass bottles is going to be the glass itself.

On the one hand, glass is easily recyclable, and best of all it is 100% recyclable. It is made of sand, and by merely melting it, we can then create new glass products without losing any of the quality and purity of the glass. It doesn’t get any better than that.

On the other hand, and this may take you by surprise, but glass is believed to take about a million years to decompose, and in some instances, it is believed that it may never decompose at all. So while being one of the best green products, it can also be one of the most long-lasting materials ever created by us if discarded in nature.


Glass does not alter taste.

Good for the environment.

Extremely long-lasting.

It is BPA free.

Ideal for better health.

It does not transfer taste and odor.

It is easy to clean.


Glass bottles tend to be heavier.

Prone to breaking.

Easily transfers heat and cold.

May never decompose if thrown in nature.

4. BPA-Free Plastic Bottles

Reusable plastic water bottle

Reusable plastic water bottle

Plastic bottles can also be reusable. They are a good choice for everyday use and at the same time, are extremely cheap.

One of the most significant drawbacks of plastic bottles is that they often contain dangerous chemicals. Avoiding these chemicals is a must as they can prove very harmful to our well-being.

Although some plastic bottles may be BPA-free other chemicals that are being used in their production may be just as bad. So plastic bottles, in general, are not considered the best choice to go with unless there is a clear indicator of the materials used for their manufacturing.


Very cheap.

Very lightweight.

They are usually dishwasher safe.

They come in a great variety of shapes and sizes.


They don’t last as long as some of the other types of water bottles.

They can start to smell with time.

Some bottles can contain BPA.

They can still contain chemicals that are dangerous to our health.

The water may not taste fresh.

Not recyclable.

5. Copper Water Bottles

Copper Water Bottles with green background

Copper Water Bottles

Lastly, I’d like to touch upon copper bottles as they seem to be getting increasingly more popular as of lately.

Copper bottles definitely look trendy, and I admit they look very stylish. Also, there are people claiming copper has many health benefits like better joint mobility, higher iron absorption, improving digestion, and more.

Copper as a mineral is good for our health. It is needed for producing melanin, maintaining a healthy immune and digestive system. However, copper deficiencies are not seen frequently.

First, it is believed that copper bottle is not going to leach a lot of copper ions in the water so there shouldn’t be any risk of copper poisoning. Additionally, there is no proof that drinking from a copper bottle will really provide us with all these health benefits.

Secondly, leaving liquids for a long time in a copper vessels, has been suggested by some specialists, may be dangerous depending on the pH of the liquids, individual sensitivity to copper, and the availability of copper. And higher levels of copper can cause vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. And in the case of copper poisoning, even death.

On the other hand, there was one study that confirmed that copper containers do kill off some of the bacteria found in water.

The opinions on the subject are mixed, but the general consensus is that copper bottles are at best neither good nor bad.


Trendy and stylish.

Have some antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

It follows the Ayurvedic practices.


The benefits of copper containers may be exaggerated.

More expensive.

Copper deficiency is rare.

Top 9 Environment Benefits from Using Reusable Water Bottles

It may seem like a small step.

Because of that, it can often be underestimated the impact that such small steps can make in the grand scheme of things.

That’s why I want to go a little more in-depth on how reusable water bottles can and do leave a positive impact on the nature, the animals, and the planet as a whole. And how this can benefit you, too!

Big journeys and big achievements always begin with small steps.

1. Reusable Bottles Can Be Used for a Long Time

Reusable glass water bottle can last you a whole lifetime

Reusable glass water bottle can last you a whole lifetime

One of the biggest pros is that they are long-lasting. Especially metal bottles can last you for a long time before starting to wear off and even then they are not easy to break.

For example, a stainless steel water bottle can be used for more than 12 years!

Some of the stainless steel bottles can last you for many years as they are designed to be used in tough environments while camping or mountaineering.

Glass bottles, too, can last you a whole lifetime, and then some.

And this is one of the best ways to help the environment – when you have a bottle that will last you for many years; as a result, there will be no need to buy so many plastic bottles anymore. This will lead to less waste, and it can even save you a lot of money in the process, as we will find out in a bit.

2. Less Oil Will Be Needed

oil pump with text more oil will be saved

Saving more oil

It has been reported that in the U.S. alone, more than 50 billion plastic water bottles are being produced every year. This equals to more than 17 million barrels of oil each year! With this much oil, 1 million cars can be fueled, or 190,000 homes can be powered.

Switching to a reusable water bottle that can be used on a daily basis for many years will mean that there will be less need for producing as many plastic bottles anymore. If there is less demand, the production will go down, and more oil will be saved.

This is not only good for the environment but also good for the economy as oil is considered to be a non-renewable resource.

3. Less Greenhouse Gas Emission Will Be Created

Reusable water bottle help reduce gas emission

reducing gas emission

During the production and the following transportation of the plastic bottles, a lot of greenhouse gasses are being released in the environment.

Both animals and humans will inhale all these toxins. One of these toxins is carbon dioxide, which is considered one of the main reasons for global warming effects. And we produce about 2,5 million tons of carbon dioxide each year only as a result of producing bottled water, alone.

One of the ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and its impact on the environment is to:

Start using reusable water bottles. Since a reusable water bottle can be used numerous times for years to come, we won’t really need new bottles to be manufactured, leading to less pollution from being released in the atmosphere.

Recycle any plastic water bottles that you have at hand. In the process of recycling a lot less energy and fuel are needed. Thus producing a plastic bottle from recycled materials will be better for the environment.

4. Reusable Water Bottles Produce Less Waste

Reusable Water Bottles Produce Less Waste

Reusable Water Bottles Produce Less Waste

Eart911 has reported that as much as 7.4 cubic yards of landfill area are saved by recycling one ton of plastic. And there are billions of plastic bottles that are being thrown away every year.

The numbers can be truly shocking.

In the U.S. alone, more than 35 billion plastic bottles are being thrown away each year. And what is the most concerning part is that people recycle just a fraction of them.

Landfills have limited space, and they are definitely not endless.

Plastic degrades extremely slow so they take a lot of space and they are going to stay there for a long time.

Plastic bottles can take up 450 to 1000 years to decompose. All the bottles we throw out today can be left as evidence to our children and even grandchildren.

And even when the plastic finally breaks down and decomposes all these plastic particles will end up in the soil. If you have any plastic bottles, it is important that they are recycled appropriately.

Even more important is the fact that reducing the use of plastic bottles and replacing them with their reusable counterparts is going to reduce the amount of waste that we produce.

Just one person switching to a reusable water bottle can have a fantastic impact on the environment. It has been estimated that on average, 217 plastic water bottles will not go to a landfill if one person switches to a reusable bottle.

5. More Energy Will Be Conserved

More Energy Will Be Conserved

Conserving More Energy

The energy needed for the production of one stainless steel bottle is equal to the energy required for producing 50 plastic bottles.

On one to one basis, a stainless steel bottle is going to be worse for the environment compared to a plastic bottle. However, the chances are that you will not use that plastic bottle for the next, say ten years, while a stainless steel bottle can last you even longer than that.

This will reduce the amount of electricity needed in manufacturing, which can reduce the emissions generated by mining coal, for example.

6. By Using a Reusable Water Bottle, Fewer Animals Are Being Hurt

Sea Turtle eat plastic bag ocean pollution

Sea Turtle eat plastic bag ocean pollution

Today more than ever, people are starting to become aware of the suffering we are causing directly and indirectly to not only the nature but to the animals as well.

And us realizing this is a good thing.

We all have seen the worrying photos taken of sea animals and birds that are suffering from all the plastic that has been thrown freely in the wild. Frequently they mistake it for food only to get entangled, choked or hurt by the plastic and even if they don’t do it the plastic that is floating in the oceans and eventually broken down will make it into their digestive system, whether they realize it or not.

Experts have estimated that 1.1 million marine animals are killed by the plastic waste found in the oceans and at least a hundred thousand mammals and birds, too.

A reusable water bottle can help in alleviating the suffering of the animals created by all the plastic waste.

7. A Reusable Water Bottle Will Reduce the Plastic Waste in the Oceans

Plastic pollution in ocean environmental problem.

Plastic pollution in ocean environmental problem.

Each year millions of tons of plastic waste are being thrown out in the oceans. The sun and the weaves can actually break down the plastic waste into tiny little plastic particles.

This has even led to small pieces of plastic being found all over the planet’s oceans. As a result, every marine animal consumes these plastic fragments. And when we eat fish or other types of seafood, these plastic particles find their way in our bodies too.

Researchers have already been discovering small pieces of plastics inside the animal’s bodies. These plastics are a serious health hazard. Not only that but tiny little plastic fragments were found even in humans.

By having a reusable water bottle, you can reduce the plastic waste that is being discarded into the oceans each year, thus helping for a cleaner environment.

8. Reusable Bottles Send a Message

volunteers saving planet

volunteers saving planet

A message is as good as its impact.

By always drinking from a reusable water bottle, you can send a message to others that you care. A change can happen if only we decide to do something about it. By sharing the negative impacts of single-use plastic bottles, we can do our part in making a better world.

This is like bringing a grocery bag with you when you are going to the supermarket.

In order for a message and a change to happen, it needs to be shared and seen by people.

9. Reusable Water Bottles Can Be Re-purposed

decorating bottle as a vase

decorating bottle as a vase

Say you have been using your old reusable bottle for many years. And you feel like it has come time to change it.

Well, you don’t really need to throw it out.

Most of the reusable water bottles can be easily put to good again use and repurposed. That way, they can still serve a good purpose and not damage the environment in any way for even more years.

You can use them to:

Carry dry foods, spices, and other goods.

You can store cleaning solutions, soap, etc.

Measure liquids. If your bottle has measuring indicators, this can be extremely useful when cooking, especially while hiking or camping.

Watering plants.

As a vase. It can easily be repurposed to hold some flowers.

Reusable Water Bottles Also Improve Your Health

The advantages of reusable water bottles do not stop here.

You will agree with me that a reusable bottle is going to have a less negative impact on nature and our planet. If we take the matter in our hands, we can definitely do something that will not just help the planet but other people too.

Reducing our footprint on the planet will have positive effects on the environment. This will mean not only a better and cleaner environment but better health and living standard for yourself, your family and friends, and everyone else.

1. Reusable Water Bottles Are Better for Your Health

Woman holding pink reusable water Bottle

Drinking for plastic bottles has its own health risks. Plastic bottles can frequently contain Bisphenol A (or BPA) a chemical which is known to be harmful to our health.

BPAs and the other chemicals found in plastic bottles can cause reproductive problems, asthma, dizziness, and even cancer.

As a contrast, the reusable water bottles made from glass, aluminum, and stainless steel are usually BPA-free making them not only environmentally safe but a healthier choice.

2. Reusable Water Bottles Will Save You Money

Reusable water bottle help to save more money

Reusable water bottle help to save more money

Did you know that at least 90% of the cost comes from the manufacturing and producing the bottle itself?

Just imagine how much money you can save by using a reusable water bottle. A stainless steel bottle can last you at least 12 years, if not more. Getting a few of these might mean you will not need to buy another plastic bottle in a long time.

All this money can either be saved or used in other green and environmentally friendly ways.

On average Americans spend around $5.00 on bottled water each week. By getting yourself a reusable water bottle, you can save at least $260 a year.

Usually using a reusable water bottle means that you will be drinking tap water or using some water fountains to fill it up. And tap water is generally speaking significantly cheaper than bottled water.

Another thing I’d like to point out is that according to FDA, bottled water and tap water are usually the same thing.

3. You Will Know What You Are Drinking

pouring water from stainless steel bottle

pouring water from stainless steel bottle

By drinking from a reusable water bottle, you will be 100% aware where your water came from. Regardless of where you are, you will know what you are putting into your body.

While with bottled water you can’t really be sure what it contains and in some cases it has been reported that bottled water passes a lot fewer contamination inspections that tap water.

Tap water in most countries is surprisingly safe and of a high quality due to the strict laws.

After an inspection of the bottled-water industry that lasted for four years, NRDC (The Natural Resources Defense Council) came to the conclusion that there is no evidence that bottled water is safer than tap water.

Twenty-five percent of the bottled water was, in fact, tap water.

Resources used:

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_bottle
  • https://www.elementalbottles.com/blogs/news/are-all-steel-water-bottles-created-equal-what-you-should-look-for
  • https://www.onyalife.com/invest-in-stainless-steel-bottles-to-benefit-your-health-and-the-environment/
  • https://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/promo-university/are-water-bottles-bad-for-the-environment.htm
  • https://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/promo-university/different-types-of-water-bottles.htm
  • http://www.isustainableearth.com/green-products/are-aluminum-water-bottles-safe
  • https://www.bulletinbottle.com/blog/faqs/stainless-steel-vs-aluminum-bottles/
  • https://education.seattlepi.com/long-glass-bottle-degrade-landfill-5235.html
  • https://www.cleantechloops.com/reusable-water-bottles/
  • https://www.dailyinfographic.com/10-reasons-to-use-a-reusable-water-bottle
  • https://www.greensheepwater.com/plastic-problems
  • https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/04/19/opinion/20090419bottle.html?emc=eta3
  • https://pacinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/bottled_water_factsheet.pdf
  • https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/10/news-plastics-microplastics-human-feces/
  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/tap-vs-bottled-water/faq-20058017
  • https://www.today.com/health/drinking-copper-cup-good-health-or-latest-health-fad-t86946
  • https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-02-02/copper-water-bottles/10722776
  • https://nypost.com/2017/08/21/trendy-copper-water-bottles-can-make-you-sick/

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