Hello dear reader!
My name is Wayan, and I am the person behind Delightjar.com. I am a very outdoorsy type of person. I enjoy cooking, nature, animals, but this is nothing too special.
A lot of people do enjoy these same things.
But I want to live a healthier life. I want my family and friends to live a healthier life. And I want other people to do the same.
And I am sure you want it too!
How “Delight Jar” was started
I was always ready to help my close relatives and friends with suggestions and practical advice whenever they needed it.
It always feels great when you know you have just helped somebody live a better and greener life.
I was really passionate about spreading the knowledge, and I wanted to find a way to reach more people.
This is how Delightjar.com was started on 2018 – a website that focuses on the impact of water bottles on our life and environment.
The Big Numbers
With time I realized how big of an impact just a simple water bottle may have on our health, environment, and planet.
“Is a tiny plastic bottle so bad?” you may ask.
Take a look.
Did you know that:
More than 90% of the people have BPA in their bodies. A chemical that is proven to cause a lot of health diseases. (1)
In one study of 1,500 adult men in Australia, it was discovered that 99.6% of them had phthalates in their bodies. Another chemical linked to many chronic diseases. (2)
More than a 1,000,000 million of marine animals and at least a 100,000 other animals die because of plastic waste each year. (3)
And this is just about a fraction of what is happening around the world every second.
But both you and I can change that.
Imagine how much suffering we can prevent if we take a step in the right direction. And imagine how good YOU can feel, how much healthier YOU can be, by following these simple advice.
That’s why here I share everything I learn about living a healthier, greener, and animal-friendly lifestyle.
What is the mission of “Delight Jar”
I strongly believe that things can change.
My mission is to spread the word, make people aware of how their health is affected by some seemingly simple life choices, and to help as many people as possible.
I do this by focusing on providing useful and well-researched content that is both informative and thought-provoking.
What you can expect to find on “Delight Jar”
So what is in it for you?
Here you will find:
Information that will hopefully lead to better lifestyle choices.
Information that will raise some questions and ideas that may surprise you.
Information that will allow you to help others and leave a positive impact.
It all started as a simple idea, but it is something way bigger now. People around me got interested and involved, asking me questions, and wanting to know more and more.
Here I share everything with you as I learn and research the different topics like:
Bottled water, reusable bottles, their health pros and cons, sustainability, going green.
I share information about the impact of all the different kinds of water bottles that we can get, like plastic, metal, copper, glass, their alternatives, and more.
How to make healthier choices when conserving, purifying, and keeping water. And a lot more.
There will be well researched informational content, reviews, and recommendations.
Give it a try.
You will not be disappointed, because I will do my best to make worth your while. If you want to ask me a “What is the healthiest water bottle to use?, hold off on contacting me and read this first Aluminum, stainless steel or plastic water bottles? What’s best? (+glass +copper)”
Stay Hydrated,